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Can I get the money given by my spouse to a paramour back?

  • Time:2021-08-03
  • counter:2176

Can I get the money given by my spouse to a paramour back?

If one party claims that the other party should pay "youth loss compensation" or "separation compensation," on the grounds of love affairs or cohabitation, it will not be supported. However, if the woman claims that the man should share reasonable expenses, such as medical expenses and nutrition expenses, during the period of pregnancy, the claim might be upheld.
In the case that a spouse provides or promises to provide marital property to his or her paramour, claims for the return of the gift after the marital property is transferred or if the paramour claims for the fulfillment of such promise by the spouse, it is unlikely to be upheld by the court. However, if the other spouse claims for the return of the joint property on the grounds that the act of donating the joint property violates the other party's property rights, it might be upheld.
If the other spouse claims that the gift act is invalid and requests the return of the gift property, it shall be deemed that the gift act is invalid in whole, and the gift property shall be returned in full.
After the donation is adjudicated invalid, the whole property shall be returned.  If the gift is a physical subject, such as houses or vehicles, it shall be recovered of the same. If the physical object cannot be returned due to loss, transference or other reasons, the market price at the time of the loss or transference of the physical object shall be paid.

34F, Huaneng Union tower, 958 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Shanghai, 200120, P.R. China 豫ICP备10204199号-3