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In what case shall the marriage relationship be legally terminated?

  • Time:2020-06-10
  • counter:2110

According to Chinese law, the marriage relationship shall be terminated according to law: (1) in case of either spouse's death. Marriage is strictly related to identity in nature, and the marriage relationship no longer exists if either party to the marriage dies. The death mentioned here includes both natural death and the declaration of death. (2) upon completion of the divorce registration procedure according to the law in case of a divorce agreement. If a couple is willing to divorce and reach an agreement on the custody of their child(ren) and the division of their property, they may apply to complete the divorce registration before the marriage registration authority. Their marriage will be terminated according to law upon the approval of the marriage registration authority and the issuance of the divorce certificates.3 upon entry into force of the verdict or mediation agreement on divorce issued by the people's court. If the couples fail to reach a divorce agreement out of their free will or either spouse is unwilling to terminate the marriage relationship by agreement, their marriage may also be terminated by legal proceedings. Their marriage relationship shall be terminated according to law upon entry into force of the verdict or mediation agreement on divorce issued by the people's court.

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