5 situations when a Chinese citizen has a foreign related divorce
1. One spouse is a Chinese citizen and the other is a foreign citizen
If one party is Chinese and one is foreign but want a divorce in China, a lawsuit must be submitted to the intermediate court with jurisdiction.
2. Both parties are Chinese citizens who live abroad
If both husband and wife are Chinese citizens and have settled abroad but want a divorce in China, they must apply at the court where the couple’s marriage is registered. If one of the parties is unable to return to China for the divorce proceedings due to special circumstances, they may sign a letter of entrustment to a relative or lawyer who will act on their behalf and submit all the relevant documents to the court. All of the documents must be notarized and certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that party’s country. If both parties have no disputes towards the divorce, they may apply for the divorce at an embassy or consulate. If there is a dispute, they must bring a lawsuit to the court located where the couple last lived before going abroad.
3. One spouse is a Chinese citizen who settles abroad and the other is a Chinese citizen who stays in China
If both parties divorce voluntarily and reach an agreement on issues such as children, property, and debt division, they can apply with a divorce agreement to the marriage registrar at or above county level. If they cannot agree on such issues, they will have to process a divorce by litigation in the court located where the couple’s marriage is registered.
4. Both parties are citizens of China who have stayed abroad for 6 months or more
If both spouses are Chinese citizens and have been living abroad for more than 6 months and a marriage registration was filed in a Chinese consulate, the divorce is voluntary, and agreements on children, property, and debt are mutual, both parties must go to the registrar together. If the foreign country does not recognize divorce registrations by foreign couples, they can apply for divorce in China. If the couple can’t agree on the divorce matters, litigation will be required in the court located where the couple registered the marriage before going abroad.
5. One spouse is a Chinese citizen who has been living abroad for less than 6 months and the other is a Chinese citizen still living in China
If both parties voluntarily divorce and reach agreements regarding children, property, and debt, they can submit a divorce agreement to the marriage registrar where the couple last resided together. If either party has any disputes on the divorce matters, they will have to file a lawsuit in the court where the couple last resided together.
A reprint of this article should give credit to the Divorce Lawyers of Shanghai website.