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Checklist for the Hearing

  • Time:2018-01-05
  • counter:1801
Checklist for the Hearing
A good result is based on a good preparation. Before the first hearing of the divorce case, the following items shall be checked by the attorney:
(1)The attorney needs to confirm with the client of whether the client knows the commencement time of the hearing, the place of the court and related judge.
(2)Prior to the opening of a court session, the attorney shall train the client of the court trial procedures and the purpose of each session. The attorney may go through with the client of possible questions that the court may ask the client during the hearing.
(3)Before the court hearing, the lawyer may contact the client again and confirm whether the client himself will attend the hearing personally. If the client will appear in the hearing, the attorney shall remind the client to bring the identity card for security check in the court.
(4)Double-check whether all the materials needed for the hearing are complete. Try not to omit anything material. Also, the attorney also checks whether the number of copies is the same as required by law;
(5)The attorney needs to make sure whether all the copies of evidence are stapled in the order according to the evidence list and submitted within the time limit required by law. All witnesses that will appear in the court shall be properly notified of the time and place of their appearance.
(6)If client's relatives or friends would attend the hearing, they should bring their identification card with them and the rules of attending the hearing shall also be notified. If any attorney in the divorce case has filed for trial in camera manner, then no people other than the related parties or witness can attend the hearing.
(7)The attorney shall also confirm with the client of the conciliation plan for the hearing.
The attorney shall prepare a written application for trial in camera if no such application has been filed in case if there is any situation the public hearing is not proper for the client.
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